MARC Express records

| OverDrive Resource Center

Rich Content Editor (All Users) - Instructure Community - 383140

In this video, you will learn how to use the Rich Content Editor in Canvas. Last Updated: 2023-06-01 View the script for this video To view subtitles for this video, click the button in the toolbar. Video overviews reflect current feature functionality in Canvas; they are updated based on workfl...| Instructure Community

How to Make $1M/Year Working 10 Hours/Week with Erik Hatch

Curious how to earn $1M a year working just 10 hours a week? Erik Hatch leads the way with his blueprint for building a successful real estate business with minimal hours. He emphasizes mastering personal production before growing a team and reveals a powerful 3-step morning routine: role play, lead generation, and lead follow-up.| Real Estate Rockstars

August Wrap Up

Before we get into things, I need to ask once again for help. I’ve been trying to keep this off the blog, but circumstances have gotten to the point where I can’t anymore. I have not had a day job since February. I’ve been searching high and low, but so far have not had any… Continue reading August Wrap Up| KnotMagick Studios

TOP 10 Linux commands 2024

In the next list of the 10 Most… I have listed the 10 most popular commands used in Linux systems (and not only) in 2024, published as part of the Admin Tips series on the portal The list takes into account the views of posts from the Admin Tips category and their comments. 1.... Source| Linux Channel

Seasonal publishing

What I'm doing with One Man & His Blog this Autumn — and four hand-rolled links for your pleasure.| One Man & His Blog

Twenty-three years and counting!

It's just about that time, to celebrate the unofficial anniversary of the founding of Spam Resource. I think it might actually be next week,...|

Porady Admina: tar

W kolejnym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina przeanalizujemy program tar. Polecenie tar tworzy pliki tar poprzez konwersję grupy plików do Źródło|

MARC Express records – OverDrive Resource Center

OverDrive's one stop shop for promotional resources, content recommendations, staff training and product information. Contact your OverDrive Team for additional assistance.| Overdrive's Resource Center

Rise 360


View default record type on all the objects on a particular profile

Is there any way we can view the default record type for all the objects custom/standar for a particular profile rather than going on each object and checking its default record type because there are more than 700 objects in our org and it will take forever to do this . Any leads,workaround will be helpful Thanks| Recent Questions - Salesforce Stack Exchange

Collaging: Healing, Identity and Freedom through the Arts.

Offered every Saturday in May from 1pm- 4:30pm Inspired by select works on view, join us for an afternoon of collaging as you comb though magazines to create a masterpiece […]| National Museum of African Art – Smithsonian Institution

Daily Border Links: August 20, 2024

Democratic Convention language hails asylum ban's initial reduction of migration. Panama starts US-backed deportation flights from the Darién Gap. Migration is falling faster in Arizona than Texas.| Adam Isacson

The End of the Store

I have never had to apologize so much in my entire life. A number of items are out of stock. The vendors’ system allowed the orders to go through, but they do not have the items in stock and they cannot give us an ETA, so we are back to issuing refunds. We deeply apologize… The post The End of the Store first appeared on ILONA ANDREWS.| ILONA ANDREWS

Porady Admina: telnet

W dzisiejszym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina przyjrzymy się bliżej aplikacji telnet. Telnet to stary protokół sieciowy używany do łączenia Źródło|

Synology issues – The lost outpost

A faulty drive in my home server, but the fix has been pretty painless.| The lost outpost

Shop Update!

If you haven’t recently, now is a great time to head over to my Ko-Fi shop, as I’ve been updating the inventory. You’ll now find more ebook listings, discounted destash items, as well as ready-made accessories and even an option for custom orders! Like what you see? Join my mailing list in the sidebar to… Continue reading Shop Update!| KnotMagick Studios

Looking for Playtesters | Graeme Davis

Image by j4p4n via Public domain by deed, CCC 1.0 Universal. Hello. It’s been a while since I last posted here. That’s because I’ve been working on my #cunningplan for a #sec…| Graeme Davis

Improving The Relationship Between Schools And Communities

If schools serve students and students are deeply embedded in the fabric of communities, how can we serve those students without knowing those communities? The post Improving The Relationship Between Schools And Communities appeared first on TeachThought.| TeachThought

Working on my Gaming Maker Space - Frugal GM

A blog about resource-saving options for running a better role-playing game.|

Superbusy Monday

Hi guys, Sanctuary comes out tomorrow and the merchandise store will also open then. We are trying to get all of our ducks in a row. We know that usually there is a post on Monday, but we are super-swamped. We will see you tomorrow. The post Superbusy Monday first appeared on ILONA ANDREWS.| ILONA ANDREWS

Feedback on new collector’s checklist function

Introducing a new collector's checklist function for the site.| Beautiful Books

Soft deletion of workspaces and retention

This morning, I was looking for a specific tenant setting in the Fabric admin portal. While scrolling through a few of the tenant settings, I came across a specific one, which I like to elaborate on a bit more in detail, given I recently also had some questions around this topic from customers. What happens … Continue reading Soft deletion of workspaces and retention| Data – Marc

Porady Admina: rar

W dzisiejszym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina przyjrzymy się bliżej aplikacji rar. Aplikacja rar jest archiwizatorem RAR autorstwa Eugene’a Roshala. Źródło|

Read This Site on the Fediverse

Just because it seemed like an interesting thing to do, I’ve linked this site to ActivityPub. Which means you can catch every post by following it from Mastodon, Pixelfed, Pleroma, or any other Fediverse application. The address is (And as the graphic indicates, each post has its own unique shortlink using the domain “” […]| Adam Isacson

Sabbatical, Day 2

It was a busy day, not much different from a work day—but I laid some groundwork for my two-month sabbatical, two days in. | Adam Isacson

Email Update is Out

Here’s a new “weekly” e-mail about stuff I’ve been working on, for those who’ve signed up to receive them. It has highlights from last week’s trip to Medellín, some writing and data work about the border, and some thoughts on my two-month work sabbatical, which started yesterday. There are also weekly events links (16 of […]| Adam Isacson

Brave New World

I keep a little webpage that generates tables of data about migration at the U.S.-Mexico border, using CBP’s regularly updated dataset. For weeks, I’ve wanted to have the ability to sort the tables by clicking on their column headers. It seemed like a big job, though, especially figuring out how to keep the columns’ totals […]| Adam Isacson

Slowing Down

Looking ahead to a two-month sabbatical. Given all the stuff I'd like to do, the title is deceptive.| Adam Isacson

Upcoming Sabbatical, Projects, and Travels

This site has been quiet this week. It will remain so for a bit longer, then I expect to be posting way more than usual. In about half an hour, I’m headed downtown to WOLA’s 50th anniversary celebration and human rights award dinner. I’m looking forward to seeing dozens of people I’m very fond of, […]| Adam Isacson

Porady Admina: xz-utils

W kolejnym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina zajmiemy się narzędziem xz-utils. XZ Utils (wcześniej LZMA Utils) to zestaw oprogramowania do Źródło|

Tracking new additions to the site: Articles Changelog | Beautiful Books

New addition to the site to help you track new articles and changes to existing guides.| Beautiful Books

Host of What’s Going On? Sandy Baird from Burlington, VT is joined by guest Eric Agnero, commentator currently living in Burlington from Ivory Coast, to di...

As Towards Freedom works toward its final goal of seeing the 9th Pan African Congress come to fruition in November of 2024, look for updates and relevant events here. The post Host of What’s Going On? Sandy Baird from Burlington, VT is joined by guest Eric Agnero, commentator currently living in Burlington from Ivory Coast, to discuss the Niger Coup and ongoing events in Africa. appeared first on Toward Freedom.| Toward Freedom

Canvas Release Notes (2024-04-20) - Instructure Community - 598700

Upcoming Canvas Changes 2024-06-10 Enforcement of LTI Deep Linking Line Items on Assignment Edit Page Feature Option 2024-06-15 Enforcement of restricting future use of the submission_type_selection LTI Placement For more information, please see Upcoming Canvas Changes. In this Canvas release (20...| Instructure Community

Welcome to the refreshed GCB – Green Chemicals Blog

After a year-long hiatus, the Green Chemicals Blog was relaunched with a better layout, more social media offerings, and advertising services. |

Admin: The move is here, at last.

Our long national nightmare of bifurcation is over! Thanks to this guy for fixing the WordPress Blogger importer, the Ranter is moving. Our new home is over here. Comments please in the new blog. I’d like to recommend Suffusion, not so much a WP theme as an HTML5-based design toolkit. To-do list: fix the old […]| Alternate Seat of TYR

Porady Admina: umask

W dzisiejszym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina zajmiemy się poleceniem umask. umask wyświetla i ustawia maski uprawnień plików. Narzędzie umask Źródło|

Manage and maintain User Login Manager

| OverDrive Resource Center

Your 3-Month Journey to Salesforce Developer Confidence

Forget the all-nighters and information overload. Consistent, focused practice is the key to mastering Apex. The post Your 3-Month Journey to Salesforce Developer Confidence first appeared on PantherSchools.| PantherSchools

Porady Admina: webp

W dzisiejszym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina zajmiemy się narzędziem webp. webp to kompresja stratna cyfrowych obrazów fotograficznych, format kompresji Źródło|

Porady Admina: w -

W dzisiejszym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina zajmiemy się poleceniem w. w – Pokazuje, kto jest zalogowany w systemie i co robi. w wyświetla informacje o użytkownikach aktualnie korzystających z…|

Manage and maintain User Login Manager

| OverDrive Resource Center

PRTG helps to make enhanced weathering a reality

It's hard to describe what it feels like to stand in a greenhouse with almost 400 pots, growing neither veggies nor flowers, but the most closely monitored and pampered blades of grass I've ever seen. Scientists and research assistants are bustling around the pots (technically dubbed "lysimeters" — I'll dive into that later), analyzing soil and run-off water. Ralf Steffens, CTO of Carbon Drawdown Initiative, is showing me around and explains to me how to set up and operate a greenhouse tha...| Paessler Blog (English)

We interrupt your broadcast… – KnotMagick Studios

You know that phrase, “Man plans, god laughs?” Yeah, that has been my 2024 so far. I had grand plans for this site, for Youtube, promoting my books, maybe getting back into doing events…| KnotMagick Studios

Blog Structure

This post contains a link to my Blog Archives and a list of my Best Posts. My current main blog is at Nooceleration. Please follow me there. The post Blog Structure appeared first on Anatoly Karlin.| Anatoly Karlin

Porady Admina: vnstat

W dzisiejszym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina zajmiemy się aplikacją vnstat. vnStat to monitor ruchu sieciowego dla systemu Linux. Prowadzi|

April Wrap Up – KnotMagick Studios

You should definitely know the first item on this list: Midnight Radio is out now! Also a super huge thank you to the person who has already left a five star review on Amazon! I’m continuing …| KnotMagick Studios

How to Prevent Changes to Plugins, Themes, and WordPress Core Files | Digging Into WordPress

This is a common question I get from folks in the WordPress community. How can I "lock things down" and prevent any changes to plugins, themes, and...|

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Niger Coup: The New Scramble for Africa? | Center for Media and Democracy

Host Sandy Baird is joined by guest Eric Agnero to discuss the Niger Coup and ongoing events in Africa.| CCTV Center for Media and Democracy

Porady Admina: xkill |

W kolejnym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina przybliżę polecenie xkill. xkill to narzędzie wiersza poleceń, które może zamknąć niepożądane okna na ekranie użytkownika. Zasadniczo xkill zmusza serwer X do zamknięcia połączenia z klientem. To narzędzie zabija programy bez podawania PID za pomocą jednego polecenia. Jeśli -id nie podano identyfikatora zasobu, xkill wyświetli specjalny kursor jako monit dla użytkownika o wybranie okna, które|

Schedule Change

Just a quick administrative note this time. I’m changing the schedule around a bit. Rather than trying to come up with something for the blog every week, which has, frankly, led me to rush at times and definitely makes me Read More| Greyhawk Grognard

Math is a 4-letter Word

Graphic Audio updates first: I know a few of you who purchased the mp3 zip download version of the Magic Slays dramatized adaptation had problems with the file. The issues have been addressed, the file was updated with the correct format, you only need to redownload it. Here is the contact for the Graphic Audio… The post Math is a 4-letter Word first appeared on ILONA ANDREWS.| ILONA ANDREWS

Short Pause for SOF News

The editor of SOF News will be on an overseas contract for a few months so the posting of articles and sending of the newsletter will be suspended for a while. We will resume posting in mid-summer.| SOF News

Porady Admina: mpg321

W dzisiejszym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina przybliżę program mpg321. mpg321 to prosty i lekki odtwarzacz MP3 działający z linii|

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A Thousand Paper Cranes

Thanks to the dedication of our legal team in working over the Easter holiday, Wings has unexpectedly received the formal Opinion of legal counsel (hereafter called “the Opinion”, capitalised to avoid confusion with the ordinary use of the word in the article) with regard to the standing of the site in the light of the […]| Wings Over Scotland

Wings Over Scotland | The Eve Of War

So, it being Good Friday, we’re definitely not going to receive our legal opinion before Monday now, so Wings Over Scotland will be shutting down, at least temporarily, on Sunday evening. No …| Wings Over Scotland

March Wrap Up – KnotMagick Studios

In March, we’ve been gearing up for the release of Midnight Radio (out April 22, preorder now!) with lots of background information on the featured cryptids and even an excerpt. Why mythologi…| KnotMagick Studios

Happy Monday: Schedule Post - ILONA ANDREWS

Happy Monday! Today is a boring admin post. Let's talk a little bit about the schedule for the year going forward. These are tentative dates, subject to change due to life and other factors. We are looking at additional 2-3 installments of Sanctuary. You will get the entire story except for the epilogue. The plot| ILONA ANDREWS - #1 New York Times Bestselling Author

Where did the old site go?

The old Nemo project, which had it’s humble beginnings at Yes Interactive in Ski, is no more. That’s where I had my blog, mail services and DNS for 15-some years. It was a good run, but times have changed and we have moved on.| Code = Conversation

Porady Admina: nproc

W dzisiejszym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina zajmiemy się poleceniem nproc. nproc to proste polecenie uniksowe, które służy do wypisywania|

using slug instead of ID in admin edit post url

In Admin, is there any way to use a slug instead of a post ID# within the URL that takes you to a post's edit screen. So instead of: You would use something like: Or, since the database stores the slug in the column post-name: Of course, neither of these actually works. Is there some existing method for doing this...| Recent Questions - WordPress Development Stack Exchange

Tuvalu Fisheries Department Engages in Innovative Communications Training

In a dynamic initiative aimed at bolstering sustainable fishing practices, the Coastal Fisheries team of Tuvalu embarked on a transformative journey during a specialized training session held from 12th to 15th March. Led by industry experts Steve Menzies of Flinch Marketing and Hugo Nguyen from the Pacific Community (SPC), this workshop delved into the realm […]| Tuvalu Fisheries

Tuvalu leads the way in ensuring safe and fair fishing: A GLOBAL CALL TO ACTION

In a celebration of commitment to the rights and welfare of fishing crews, Tuvalu stole the spotlight at the WCPFC 20 conference in Rarotonga. Acknowledging the commendable efforts of the Commission, Tuvalu stands shoulder to shoulder with fellow members, voicing support and sharing strides taken to safeguard the rights of those toiling in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).| Tuvalu Fisheries

Roman Audio Follow up

Welcome to my audio TED talk, hehe. I’m going to answer some questions from yesterday’s comment section. Graphic Audio is a separate company. We do not have any control over GA productions. They pay us money to license our work, meaning once they have it, they can do whatever they want with it, and all… The post Roman Audio Follow up first appeared on ILONA ANDREWS.| ILONA ANDREWS

Porady Admina: cat |

W dzisiejszym wpisie z cyklu Porady Admina zajmiemy się poleceniem cat. Polecenie cat łączy pliki i drukuje wynik na standardowym wyjściu. Polecenie cat jest częścią pakietu coreutils i jest dostępny w większości dystrybucji Linux. Składnia cat [OPCJA]... [PLIK]... PLIK lub połączenie PLIKÓW wysyłane na standardowe wyjście. Jeżeli nie został podany PLIK albo podany jest jako -, czytane jest standardowe wejście. Opcje -A, --show-all : równoważne -vET -b, --number-nonblank :|

February Wrap Up

This month was all about The Evie Cappelli series. The Spider’s Web was my first published novel, my first experience with a small press, and my first self-published novel after that press collapsed. In addition to excerpts, we’ve also taken a peek at some of the things I’ve learned since then. Additionally, there was a… Continue reading February Wrap Up| KnotMagick Studios

New React SPA Template

Explore the new enhanced Vite TypeScript React SPA template for .NET 8| From the blog

New Vue SPA Template

Introducing the enhanced Vite TypeScript Vue SPA template for .NET 8| From the blog

New Blazor Interactive Auto Template with Custom Admin UIs - ServiceStack

Discover how to use ServiceStack.Blazor components to quickly create customizable and professional-looking admin pages in a Blazor application|

Technical Difficulties

We are experiencing technical difficulties – the email notifications from the site are not sending, which is making it hard to moderate. So today will be a testing day. The website may look strange as we disable and reenable things. Please feel free to leave fun comments on this post. It will help us determine… The post Technical Difficulties first appeared on ILONA ANDREWS.| ILONA ANDREWS

A Shiny New Website | Fit and the Conniptions

At long last I’ve got around to a complete overhaul of Hi! Welcome.| Fit and the Conniptions

Gmail Newsletter Malware Situation

We know Gmail erroneously flagged the newsletter as malware. Thank you for letting us know. We have made a support ticket with our new newsletter provider. If you are missing our newsletter, please check your spam and whitelist us. Edit from Ilona: Guys, you are killing us with error reports. There is no malware. Look… The post Gmail Newsletter Malware Situation first appeared on ILONA ANDREWS.| ILONA ANDREWS

BankDash: Free Admin Dashboard Figma Template - Freebiesbug

BankDash is a free Figma template that you can use to build your own admin dashboard including 40 pre-designed screens.| Freebiesbug

Automate Flatpak Updates With systemd

elementary OS 5.1 doesn’t automatically update Flatpak applications. Given the arbitrary appearance of updates, it’s a bit bothersome to be nagged about updates all day. Flatpak doesn’t provide an auto-update mechanism but instead leaves this up to software apps. GNOME Software has had this functionality baked-in since GNOME 3.30, for instance, according to the Phoronix article GNOME Software 3.30 Will Automatically Update Flatpaks By Default. Since I don’t want to have multiple app s...| JWillikers

Unattended Upgrades

Suffering from obsessive updating syndrome? Are you making frequent trips to the App Center or terminal to apply updates? Do update notifications haunt you all day long? If your on a Debian-based system, unattended upgrades can help.[1] 1. Side-effects may include sudden, irreversible blue-screen of death, failure to boot, changes in behavior, obscure glitches, and an increase in log messages. Talk to your system administrator before using unattended upgrades, especially for production system...| JWillikers

January Recap

Upcoming:  February 17: Red Alder Fiber Arts Retreat (appearance) Tacoma, WA I’ll be attending this event as a patron and volunteer, not as a vendor or teacher. But you should be able to spot me–I’ll be wearing my rainbow sweater and I’d love it if you came to say hi! I also might have a… Continue reading January Recap| KnotMagick Studios

web app - Order of items in admin panel? - User Experience Stack Exchange

When editing a product, its variants are shown as accordion headings using twitter bootstrap; clicking on one reveals the form to edit the variant. My question relates to the ordering of the items...| User Experience Stack Exchange

MARC records for Kanopy – OverDrive Resource Center

OverDrive's one stop shop for promotional resources, content recommendations, staff training and product information. Contact your OverDrive Team for additional assistance.| Overdrive's Resource Center

Schedule Change

Just a quick administrative note this time.| Greyhawk Grognard

User Login Manager – OverDrive Resource Center

OverDrive's one stop shop for promotional resources, content recommendations, staff training and product information. Contact your OverDrive Team for additional assistance.| Overdrive's Resource Center

Audience analytics – OverDrive Resource Center

OverDrive's one stop shop for promotional resources, content recommendations, staff training and product information. Contact your OverDrive Team for additional assistance.| Overdrive's Resource Center

Monthly Budget Tracker – OverDrive Resource Center

OverDrive's one stop shop for promotional resources, content recommendations, staff training and product information. Contact your OverDrive Team for additional assistance.| Overdrive's Resource Center

Usage analytics – OverDrive Resource Center

OverDrive's one stop shop for promotional resources, content recommendations, staff training and product information. Contact your OverDrive Team for additional assistance.| Overdrive's Resource Center

Content offerings – OverDrive Resource Center

OverDrive's one stop shop for promotional resources, content recommendations, staff training and product information. Contact your OverDrive Team for additional assistance.| Overdrive's Resource Center

Planning for 2024…

So, to restate the obvious-but-important: It’s January. Time to really dig in and figure out what’s coming. To do that, though, I need to briefly cover where I’ve been. 2016: Dungeon Grappling. My first project. Broke even but I did it on time, on budget. 2017: Lost Hall of Tyr. Meh. 2018: Dragon Heresy, Hall... The post Planning for 2024… appeared first on Gaming Ballistic.| Gaming Ballistic

50% off PDFs at GB Shopify Store ends TODAY - Gaming Ballistic

The big Dungeon Fantasy RPG sale at the Gaming Ballistic Shopify store ends TODAY. 50% off PDF-only orders; 25% off print+pdf or print-only.| Gaming Ballistic

Your top 10 posts on OM&HB in 2023

2023 was the year of social media uncertainty, and nostalgia for publishing past. Here's which stories caught your attention.| One Man & His Blog

Post from @dasharez0ne on cohost


Introducing Green D Market Analytics

🌿 Happy New Year, Green Chemicals Blog Community! 🎉🌎| Green Chemicals Blog

A Plea For Help

I’m running out of yarn. I didn’t want to admit it, but I am running low on the red silk I’m using for the reproduction Eleonora stockings. I tried to order more, only to discover the color has been discontinued. When I bought yarn for this project, I ordered 3 skeins, thinking one for eachContinue reading "A Plea For Help"| The Eleonora Project

Update, Appearances & Publishing Schedule for 2024 – KnotMagick Studios

February 17: Red Alder Fiber Arts Retreat (appearance) Tacoma, WA I’ll be attending this event as a patron and volunteer, not as a vendor or teacher. But you should be able to spot me–I’ll be weari…| KnotMagick Studios

Eleven Years Blogging - Gaming Ballistic

Celebrating 11 years with Gaming Ballistic as a blog, and about 7 as a company.| Gaming Ballistic

Merry Christmas from Gaming Ballistic! - Gaming Ballistic

Merry Christmas from Gaming Ballistic| Gaming Ballistic

The Festive Silence

My unplanned festive break is over. Here's what happened, and where I'm going next.| One Man & His Blog

Site to Site VPN Using OpenVPN

You have 2 offices, it make sense to have a VPN to connect both sites together. OpenVPN is both easy to install and reasonably performant. It use a IP layer tunnel with UDP transport, with all traffic encrypted, so it is both transparent and secure. Howeever like any real world networking problem, there are traps.| 周溱的博客

Polipo and the GFW

Polipo is a web proxy. Together with ssh one can bypass the firewall to access website that cannot be directly visited, or to browse the web in an untrusted network to increase security. It is a very useful tool.| 周溱的博客