Add Jira Custom Search to Microsoft Edge

If you stumble over this blog post, chances are that you are a software developer working with Jira on a regular basis. If that's the case, it's also l ...| Wolfgang Ziegler

O site DistroHub expõe links para baixar (direto ou por torrent) várias… ⁄ Manual do Usuário

O site DistroHub expõe links para baixar (direto ou por torrent) várias distros Linux. Quem se enrolou para achar onde baixar o Debian no site oficial vai apreciar esse projetando.| Manual do Usuário

Accessible Color Palette Tester

Create and test color palettes for WCAG & APCA contrast compliance. Name, reorder, and compare colors with real-time contrast ratings. Save & share via URL.| Palette Tester

Can atproto scale down? | atproto and bluesky

Decomposing the Bluesky appview and self-hosting the pieces| atproto and bluesky

On m’a volée

Quelqu’un d’inconnu se fait passer pour moi. Cette personne utilise une adresse e-mail souscrite avec mon patronyme pour extorquer de l’argent en ligne, signant ses messages comme je signerais les miens, partageant une photocopie de mon passeport comme preuve d’identité. Cette personne n’est pas moi.| Hypothermia

Roomy Deep Dive: ATProto + Automerge

A technical deep dive on how Roomy chat works, combining ATProto and Automerge to create a resource-efficient group chat.| Muni Blog

Announcing Interop 2025 | WebKit

Exciting news for web developers, designers, and browser enthusiasts alike — Interop 2025 is here, continuing the mission of improving cross-browser interoperability.| WebKit

Custom vs. Template Websites: Which is Right for You?

Custom and template websites are the best options for businesses. Custom websites allow businesses complete control, customization, and scale, while template websites are a quick solution.| Dolphin Web Solution

Hosting Multiple Websites Under One NearlyFreeSpeech Site

Hosting Multiple Websites Under One NearlyFreeSpeech Site|

How I explore domain problems cheaply and fast with OCaml: modeling a web router

You've heard of Domain-Driven Design, now buckle up for Type-Driven Domain..wait. Typed Domains Driving...nevermind. We're gonna use Only Types to Understand our Domain Problems Very Fast! 🚀| Practical OCaml

Launching Interop 2025 - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

Interop 2025 continues the mission to make the web more consistent across browsers, building on 2024’s 95% interoperability score.| Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog

Bauhaus: Ninety Years of Inspiration — Smashing Magazine

Leaning away from the old Gothic architectural styles of Germany, Bauhaus exhibited a more simplistic approach. Modernism left out the decorative ornaments and trims which had no functional purpose. The new designs showed you can have style and cost effectiveness all in one.| Smashing Magazine

technomancy search

Did you learn to use the Internet in the 90s like me? There's a|

wp2bear: Plugin de WordPress exporta blogs para o Bear Blog

Um plugin para WordPress que exporta posts e páginas do site/blog para um arquivo em Markdown compatível com o Bear Blog — e, provavelmente, geradores de sites estáticos. Se preferir, também dá para baixar o arquivo como becape.| Manual do Usuário

Uma timeline para unir todas as outras

Apps como Tapestry, Surf, Feeeed e o novo Reeder tentam consolidar uma nova categoria: a dos que criam uma linha do tempo unificada a partir de diferentes fontes que, por padrão, são como água e óleo, ou seja, não se misturam.| Manual do Usuário

O nome diz tudo: o WikiTok exibe verbetes aleatórios da Wikipédia em… ⁄ Manual do Usuário

O nome diz tudo: o WikiTok exibe verbetes aleatórios da Wikipédia em uma interface que lembra a do TikTok. Aqui, as curtidas servem para salvar textos para ler depois.| Manual do Usuário

La boutique de Kanye West fermée… mais pas pour ses t-shirt nazis ?

Kanye West (Ye) avait mis en ligne des t-shirts comportant une croix gammée, après avoir posté des messages sur X ouvertement nazis. La boutique a disparu. Mais pas pour cette raison.| Numerama

Webtárhely, domain: Mit érdemes tudni róla?

Fedezze fel a webtárhely domain lényegét és vásárlásának folyamatát! Cikkünkben hasznos tippeket talál az ideális domain név kiválasztásához, valamint arról, hogy mivel jár a megfelelő szolgáltató választása. Ne hagyja ki az információkat, amelyek segítenek honlapja sikeres elindításában!| aWh


2025 GRADUATE STUDENTS’ SYMPOSIUM Date and Time: Friday, February 14th at 10:00 AM Location: Campus Center, 3rd Floor, Ballroom, Section A (3550A) Organizing Committee: Dan Simovici, Nurit Haspel, Xiaohui Liang, Funda Durupinar Babur Come and see our graduate student’s present results of their research. Prizes will be awarded to the top three winners and certificates to all presenters. Honoring the Memory of Marc Pomplun| UMass Boston CS

AI in the Information Environment: Content Moderation, Adversarial Manipulation, and AI Security

CS Faculty Candidate Talk: Dr. Mazal Bethany Title: AI in the Information Environment: Content Moderation, Adversarial Manipulation, and AI Security Time: February 13, 2025 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)| UMass Boston CS

Empowering people to enable safer access to digital technologies

CS Faculty Candidate Talk: Dr. Madiha Tabassum Title: Empowering people to enable safer access to digital technologies Time: February 11, 2025 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Location: M03-732/Web lab. Refreshments will be served. (US and Canada) Click Here to Join Zoom Meeting Abstract: In an increasingly interconnected world, security, privacy, and safety pose critical challenges in sociotechnical systems where technology and human interactions are deeply intertwined. Risks in thes...| UMass Boston CS

New Frontiers in Authentication and Side-Channels in Emerging Platforms: 2FA Attacks, Sensor Exploits, and AR/VR Security | UMass Boston CS

CS Faculty Candidate Talk: Dr. Ahmed Tanvir Mahdad Title: New Frontiers in Authentication and Side-Channels in Emerging Platforms: 2FA Attacks, Sensor Exploits, and AR/VR Security Time: February 10, 2025 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Location: M03-732/Web lab. Refreshments will be served. (US and Canada)| UMass Boston CS

42links: All Top-level Files


Machine: Learning; Human: Unlearning;

Machine: Learning; Human: Unlearning;|

We Replaced Our React Frontend with Go and WebAssembly - Dagger

Powerful, programmable CI/CD engine that runs your pipelines in containers — pre-push on your local machine and/or post-push in CI|

Free Wiki Hosting, No Ads - Miraheze

Seamlessly create and manage a wiki for free, no ads, no strings attached. See why dozens trust our expert hosting. Join Miraheze today!| Miraheze

Web browsing histories are private personal data - now what

The user’s Web browsing history is usually defined as a list of websites the user has visited, such as “,,,,,”. On its own, it may seem innocuous. It turns out browsing history can be processed to| Security, Privacy & Tech Inquiries

Browsers remove functionality due to privacy

It's 2016 and we are experiencing something unprecedented in the history of the Web. Apparently, Web browsers (Firefox, Safari?) are removing parts of their functionality citing privacy concerns. This is a fascinating development. Introduction I am analysing security and privacy of modern Web for more than 8 years now. The| Security, Privacy & Tech Inquiries

The Many Purposes of Timeline Apps for the Open Web

Tapestry (left) and Reeder. Writing at The Verge following the release of The Iconfactory’s new app Tapestry, David Pierce perfectly encapsulates how I feel about the idea of “timeline apps” (a name that I’m totally going to steal, thanks David): ⁠⁠What I like even more, though, is the idea behind Tapestry. There’s actually a whole genre of apps like this one, which I’ve taken to calling “timeline apps.” So far, in addition to Tapestry, there’s Reeder, Unread, Feeeed,...| MacStories

Node.js Security starts with Node.js Secure Coding

Master hands-on Node.js security with Node.js Secure Coding education and learn how to defend against JavaScript Command Injection vulnerabilities and gain backend development skills to exploit and prevent Path Traversal attacks by reviewing real-world vulnerable npm packages and insecure code.|

Ordering Using Stern-Brocot Trees - Philip Renich

Ordering and sorting items in a large list seems like a straight forward task at first, but the more you dig in to the problem, the more issues reveal themselves. Here's a deep-dive into how [Mythic]( users Stern-Brocot trees to handle people setting their own page ordering.|

SekaiCTF'24 htmlsandbox - Author Writeup

HTML parsing differentials are fun!| arxenix's blog

SECCON CTF 2022 Finals

Winning SECCON Finals, writeups, and some Tokyo pictures.| arxenix's blog

DiceCTF 2023 writeups

writeups for the challenges I wrote for dicectf 2023| arxenix's blog

Overlong Sec-Required-CSP header: CVE-2021-37989

abusing long http headers for cache probing| arxenix's blog

The Closed Shadow DOM

a bit of research on security of the shadow DOM| arxenix's blog

PlaidCTF 2021 - wowza - web (350pt)

race condition + prototype pollution + SSRF via fetch() redirect| arxenix's blog

DragonCTF 2020 - Scratchpad (web)

Error-Based XS Leak| arxenix's blog

CSAW CTF Finals 2019 - easiest crackme - Web (100,300,300 pt)

Exploiting a chrome extension that allows you to debug binaries via RPC| arxenix's blog

Pwning PHP CTF Challenges

Short list and collection of links to learn about vulns used in PHP CTF Challenges| arxenix's blog

11 Best Blogging Platforms in 2025: Compared

Picking the right blogging platform in 2025 is a pretty big deal. It's not just about where you're typing your thoughts; it's about setting yourself up for success, whether you're aiming to share your voice, promote your business, or even make some money as a content creator. I mean, you wouldn't try to build a [...] The post 11 Best Blogging Platforms in 2025: Compared appeared first on Zone WP.| Zone WP

A well-known avatar URL would be dang cool. (#blogPost)

I just read Anthony's post on ES Modules and discovered rendered profile images in the article.| Stefan Judis Web Development

consuming the jetstream firehose correctly | atproto and bluesky

things to know about jetstream| atproto and bluesky

Instapaper 9.1 and Send to Kindle Extension

Instapaper: On Instapaper iOS and macOS, you can now sign in to websites directly within the app. When you’re logged into sites, Instapaper can more reliably retrieve and display complete articles. Increasingly, we’re seeing more “hard paywalls” across the Internet, where publishers are preventing third parties from accessing content. Sometimes, this results in Instapaper only […]| Michael Tsai

Google Search Now Requires JavaScript

Kyle Wiggers (Hacker News): Google says it has begun requiring users to turn on JavaScript, the widely used programming language to make web pages interactive, in order to use Google Search.In an email to TechCrunch, a company spokesperson claimed that the change is intended to “better protect” Google Search against malicious activity, such as bots […]| Michael Tsai

Which VoiceOver? — Adrian Roselli

You may have seen this as a thread on Mastodon (my primary social short-form platform) or on BlueSky. Imagine these as the opening to a series of conversations between a vendor or client or boss or PO or whomever and me. Variations on Real Life Conversations “We like the way…| Adrian Roselli

Dante’s hypersphere in THREE.js

Mark A. Peterson’s essay “Dante and the 3-sphere” (Am. J. Phys. 47(12), December 1979) suggests that when, in Paradiso 27, Dante looks from the starry sphere upward in the direction of the Empyrean and downward in the direction of Earth, and when he sees that nine concentric circles of angels above mirror the nine concentric planetary spheres below, he is “groping for a language to express an idea conceived intuitively and nonverbally” — namely, the idea of “how a 3-sphere would...| Arthur O’Dwyer

O problema dos encurtadores de links ⁄ Manual do Usuário

A destruição iminente dos do Google ( e a inserção de anúncios nos do Bitly revelam um legado ruim e pouco comentado do Twitter: os encurtadores de links.| Manual do Usuário

Interacting with Apple Maps Through URL Parameters

I recently made a change to EVBuddy to update what happens when a user needs directions via Apple Maps.| Darryl Bayliss

Building EV Buddy

In the past couple of years I’ve become interested in the cloud. I’ve spent a good chunk of my career working in mobile development, and if theres one trend I don’t think is going away soon is apps powered by a platform. As any good engineer would do, I was keen to learn more.| Darryl Bayliss

Notes log powered by Apple Shortcuts and Cloudflare Workers

I wanted an easy way to quickly post content on my website. Kind of like a public bookmarks page. Here’s what I came up with:|

HTML Whitespace is Broken - Devel without a Cause

A deep dive into HTML whitespace collapsing: How it works, why it sucks, how it should work, and how to deal with it.|

Which rich text editor framework should you choose in 2025? | Liveblocks Blog

Looking to integrate a WYSIWYG editor into your JavaScript app? This comparison dives into the best frameworks available, including Tiptap, Lexical, BlockNote, and Slate.|

A practical guide to using shadow DOM

How (and why) to use shadow DOM, now that the declarative syntax is here.|

Small server in python without dependencies

Code example using just built-ins for testing little things| Drew's blogsite

Subsetting my fonts to speed up page loads | Drew's blogsite

Removing unused fonts from my site to reduce its download size.| Drew's blogsite

pizza hut taiwan using angry italians online for PR

But a reaction—whether positive or negative—is exactly what Pizza Hut Taiwan aims for. When it comes to developing new pizzas, their main criteria are clear: “How do we appeal to the Taiwanese tastes and how do we make Italians angry?” Leung says.| shouldn’t web navigation be shrub-centered, after all?

This is a garden of RSS feeds from a variety of sources. It’s updated every couple of days. Each feed is represented by its own shrub.|

ephemeral slow social: izzzzi

…hanism of people making posts: posts are collected into a digest once a day. posts from yesterday are deleted, forever, every day. posts are a draft and can be edited until the moment that yesterday is deleted and tomorrow becomes today. posts are only visible between people who “add” one another (“mutual follows”). it’s become a sort of collaborative daily newspaper written by friends. on the surface the parameters f…| is beyond

Look, if I just link, if I just add it to my blogroll, it’s going to criminally underemphasize what’s going on there.|

QR code as texture |

… Des Signes were commissioned by the Élysée together with the Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration to design a commemorative plaque and a visual identity to mark all Algerian-French memorial sites. The design studio explains:|

Giraffe 1.1.0 - More routing handlers, better model binding and brand new model validation API

Last week I announced the release of Giraffe 1.0.0, which (apart from some initial confusion around the transition to TaskBuilder.fs) went mostly smoothly. However, if you have thought that I would be chilling out much since then, then you'll probably be disappointed to hear that today I've released another version of Giraffe with more exciting features and minor bug fixes.| Dusted Codes

You can use hashtags on your Bear blog now | Octothorpes on Bear

Hello fellow Bear-bloggers. We're very excited to announce that all blogs on Bear can start using octothorpes It means you can use hashtags on your Bear...| Octothorpes on Bear


我之前 立过旗子 再也不看公众号文章了。但是昨天手痒,点进去了一篇。这篇是什么不是很重要,但一番点击之后发现无法 阅读原文 . 当然,这是微信的bug, 但身为技术人员,我做了一番研究来定位这个问题。让我发现了一个不小的秘密。| 一言堂


读过我 向手机应用说不 一文的朋友们应该了解我对手机 app 的态度:99% 的手机应用都是无理取闹。但是,我对手机本身是没有什么负面态度的。智能手机和随处可见的数据网络大大加强了这个时代人类的连通性,确实为我们带来了很多的便利。如果不用 99% 的 app, 只用手机浏览器,我们是否还能享受智能手机的大多数便利呢?为缩小讨论范围,我这里把应用缩小到适用于 PC ...| 一言堂

The State of WebAssembly – 2024 and 2025

Explore the 2024-2025 State of WebAssembly as Gerard Gallant covers advancements in WASI, toolchain improvements, multi-language support, and the future of WebAssembly in server-side applications and beyond.| Uno Platform


我的初衷是为我的博客做一个留言板。但是我又想,为什么不为所有人的博客做一个免费使用,尊重隐私和言论自由的留言板呢?然后我再想,为什么要局限于博客,而不是开放给所有人,能对所有对公众开放的网页留下你的评论,并且看到别人的评论,然后再进一步评论下去呢?| 一言堂


现代人都有很多很多个网上身份,在每个网站都有注册用户。假如你在每个网站都用密码登录的话,你可能:| 一言堂


我之前 文章 介绍过如何免费无广告地创建一个个人博客。虽然过程不算复杂,但我承认还是需要一定的专业技能。很多人或者没有专业技能,或者就是不愿意操心,所以一个托管的博客平台可能更加适合。本文分析了几种常见的博客平台,分析它们的优劣,希望能对想踏入博客领域的朋友有所帮助。| 一言堂

Github + Hugo + Vercel

我 上一篇博客 介绍了几种托管一个小型静态网站的方法。本文专注于一种目前我认为的最佳配置,详细介绍如何做一个个人博客,确保资料安全,保护访客的个人隐私,没有人打广告,或者删你的帖,而且完全免费。概括而言:| 一言堂

Pigweed Blog #8: Migrating to Bazel — Pigweed

Comparing the new Bazel build to the old GN build#|

Patrick criou o “menor jogo do mundo”: uma versão do “Snake”, ou… ⁄ Manual do Usuário

Patrick criou o “menor jogo do mundo”: uma versão do “Snake”, o jogo da cobrinha, usando os subpíxeis da tela. Precisa de um microscópio para enxergar o jogo, mas caso você não tenha um, pode vê-lo em…| Manual do Usuário

Father James Martin and the Tired Leftism of the Jesuits

The left-wing priest and apologist for LGBTQ sin and abuse reveals the hatred that moves his order’s well-known, and bogus, calls for “tolerance.”| Chronicles

The Matrix Sucks!

AI still can't replace real talent—but it can mass produce mediocrity.| Chronicles

Can Trump Win Trade Wars Before They Start?

Trump’s tough treatment of Canada and Mexico sent a message to the world and protects America’s interests.| Chronicles

Biohackers Can’t Cheat Death

In the end, all attempts to avoid death make it that much harder to accept it and, in the process, make life less sweet.| Chronicles

Saying It Doesn’t Make It So

We must let the light of truth shine in our politics and government if we ever hope to restore faith in our institutions.| Chronicles

Bonnes et mauvaises pratiques d’édi­teur de service en ligne

Je reçois un email qui prétend venir de Lydia et qui me demande de renvoyer mon RIB en réponse si je veux récu­pé­rer mes sous, que sinon j’au­rai des frais à payer, avec une notion d’ur­gence avec  « dernier rappel ». Un RIB par email plutôt que de me renvoyer vers le site web ? Décompte des points : […]| Carnet de notes

Sinevibes’ YouTube account is terminated (updated: it’s back!)

YouTube has disabled the account of plugin developer Sinevibes, citing violations of the platform's "spam, deceptive practices and scams policy." There's no rational reason for that, and it's the latest chilling example of how severely dominant tech platforms can disrupt businesses. Here's more: The post Sinevibes’ YouTube account is terminated (updated: it’s back!) appeared first on CDM Create Digital Music.| CDM Create Digital Music

Generating image descriptions and alt-text with AI | Dries Buytaert

I tested 12 LLMs — 10 running locally and 2 cloud-based — to assess their accuracy in generating alt-text for images.|

Recreating Delicious Library | Riccardo Mori

Software developer Ding Yu is thinking about creating a Web-based Delicious Library successor, and he's looking for feedback.| Riccardo Mori

Glimmer DSL for Web Wins in Fukuoka Prefecture Future IT Initiative 2025 Competition

Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby Web Frontend Framework) won an award in the Fukuoka Prefecture Future IT Initiative 2025 competition after I presented it to Yukihiro Matsumoto (the creator of Ruby) and other Fukuoka competition judges earlier this week on January 21, 2025! It's official! Matz approves of Glimmer DSL for Web!!!| Code Master Blog

Code Master Blog: First Endorsement of Glimmer DSL for Web

code master oop ruby jruby java jee jse desktop web gui glimmer swt libui tk gtk rails|

Proposed Perl Changes (part 2) - Perl Hacks

At the end of my last post, we had a structure in place that used GitHub Actions to run a workflow every time a change was committed to the PPC repository. That workflow would rebuild the website and publish it on GitHub Pages. All that was left for us to do was to write the […]| Perl Hacks

The MTG Wiki is now at, hosted by Scryfall · Scryfall Blog · Scryfall Magic The Gathering Search

The Magic: The Gathering wiki is moving to and will no longer be hosted on Fandom.| Scryfall Magic The Gathering Search

Particles, Progress, and Perseverance: A Journey into WebGPU Fluids | Codrops

Editor's note: If you’ve been around the world of web graphics, you probably know Hector Arellano, a.k.a Hat—a developer| Codrops

How to Fix Snap Layouts Not Working in Windows 11 - Tech Junkie

Snap Layouts not working in Windows 11? Fix it by enabling the option under multi-tasking or adjusting your registry files using this expert guide.| Tech Junkie

Building a semantic movie search demo with pgvector and Next.js | Fatih's Personal Blog

On why and how I built a semantic search app and my impressions with it|

SequentialRead - Using v2ray with Caddy to Access the Internet in China

I did witness some of my co-travelers getting blocked at various points, but even after that happened, onboarding them to my system solved these issues and did not precipitate any issues for them or for my services.| SequentialRead

Nicolas Mattia – How to Set WebGL Shader Colors with CSS and JavaScript

Learn how to dynamically influence WebGL shaders with CSS styles and JavaScript. This guide covers everything from GLSL uniforms to getting document colors and following CSS transitions in shaders.|

You're thinking about passkeys wrong - DEV Community

It's a godsend for ordinary people but hated by (some) tech folks| DEV Community

L’avenir de TikTok, dans les mains de Microsoft ou Oracle ?

La perspective d'une vente de TikTok à un investisseur américain a relancé de nombreuses spéculations. Plusieurs noms circulent : Elon Musk, Perplexity AI ou encore MrBeast. Dernièrement, deux autres challengers ont été évoqués : Microsoft et Oracle.| Société : bien comprendre la société de demain avec Numerama

Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650,000,000 checks ·

How I scaled One Million Checkboxes to handle half a million users|

Building a toast component

Earlier this year, I built a Toast library for React. In this article, I'll show you some of the lessons I've learned and mistakes I made while building it.| Emil Kowalski

Proposed Perl Changes - Perl Hacks

Many thanks to Dave Cross for providing an initial implementation of a PPC index page. – Perl Steering Council meeting #177 Maybe I should explain that in a little more detail. There’s a lot of detail, so it will take a couple of blog posts. About two weeks ago, I got a message on Slack […]| Perl Hacks

Webtárhely ajánlás: Tudasd velünk a kedvencedet!

Fedezd fel a webtárhely ajánlások fontosságát! Oszd meg véleményedet a választott szolgáltatásról, és segíts másoknak a megfelelő döntés meghozatalában. Az elégedettséged segíthet a vállalkozásoknak fejlődni és javítani szolgáltatásaikat!| aWh

Webtárhely tárhely: Mit kell tudni róla?

Fedezze fel, miért elengedhetetlen a megfelelő webtárhely tárhely a sikeres weboldal készítéséhez! Ismerje meg a professzionális háttérfontosságát és a gyors, megbízható működés szerepét az online világban.| aWh

Hogyan lehet SSL-t telepíteni a cPanelre?

Fedezd fel, hogyan lehet SSL-t telepíteni a cPanel felületén, és miért elengedhetetlen a weboldalad biztonsága érdekében! Ismerd meg a tanúsítvány igénylésének lépéseit és fontosságát a bizalom növelése és az érzékeny adatok védelme érdekében.| aWh