
我自己是一个非常内向的人。我一直有一个梦想,就是在森林里建一座小木屋,然后秋天,冬天,春天三季在小木屋里读书,劈柴,修身养性,夏天出来行走天下,体验世情。可惜我蹉跎半生也没有自己的小木屋,一年四季都在社会上体验世情,梦想还停留在梦想阶段。| 一言堂

The Salve of Spin Class: How a Lonely Man Found Connection on a Bike

It's hard to make friends as an adult. One lonely man in his 30s finds a nonjudgmental and supportive community at a local spin studio.| Longreads

Review: The Book That Wouldn't Burn by Mark Lawrence

The Book That Wouldn't Burn is apparently high fantasy, but of the| www.eyrie.org

妳想在海外活出怎樣的人生? – 一天世界

上週,吳國光在華盛頓季風書園的演講裏提出「海華民族」(海外華人民族)的概念:「我們來到海外,是作為中華人民共和…| 一天世界

Forever Leaders — LessWrong

“dictators die… and so long as men die liberty will never perish…” …| www.lesswrong.com

AT&T’s CRISP Hobbits - by Babbage - The Chip Letter

An unexpected journey for AT&T with it's own low power processor| thechipletter.substack.com

Your Book Review: Nine Lives - Astral Codex Ten

Finalist #13 in the Book Review Contest| www.astralcodexten.com

The Great Data Integration Schlep — LessWrong

Midjourney, “Fourth Industrial Revolution Digital Transformation” This is a little rant I like to give, because it’s something I learned on the job…| www.lesswrong.com

what i'm grasping for is not a place, but a feeling | yours, tiramisu

It's ten in the morning. I'm sitting on a wooden chair in my room. A breeze brings a hint of fragrant morning dew through the open window. The robins are...| yours, tiramisu

David Roman on Substack: "The pharaonic custom of having princesses marry their brothers and rule as sister-queens had a well-thought political rationale beh...

The pharaonic custom of having princesses marry their brothers and rule as sister-queens had a well-thought political rationale behind. These marriages were rarely consummated and any offspring produced normally were unfit for power, so most pharaohs were sons by their predecessor's non-related wives or concubines. However, brotherly marriages meant that Egypt’s royal princesses typically didn’t marry outside of the family. As it's very evident from the comparison between Egypt's relative...| Substack

Could Things Be Very Different?—How Historical Inertia Might Blind Us To Optimal Solutions — LessWrong

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if you hadn’t been born? Would an entirely different person have taken your place? How about if h…| www.lesswrong.com

Physical Therapy Sucks (but have you tried hiding it in some peanut butter?) — LessWrong

The worst part about physical therapy is not knowing if it’s working. The timescale for improvement is dreadfully long and the day-to-day changes are…| www.lesswrong.com


By Ruben Schade in Sydney, Australia. 🌻| rubenerd.com

minimal web

Nothing else.Here’s what a minimalist website should leave out:| mnmlist

Emojis are cool | Meadow

I use a lot of emojis when I write (especially chat), and it has always struck me as interesting that most people around me don’t. I ask myself. So much so ...| Meadow

MNT Pocket Reform - Unboxing and First Impressions - ratfactor

MNT Pocket Reform - Unboxing and First Impressions| ratfactor.com

The State of the Culture, 2024 - by Ted Gioia

Or a glimpse into post-entertainment society (it's not pretty)| www.honest-broker.com

Thoughts while watching myself be automated

(Excluding “please stop”)| DYNOMIGHT

Curious George and the case of the unconscious culture

Modern life is draining of consciousness| www.theintrinsicperspective.com

“Hire People Smarter Than You” is Bad Advice for Small Business Owners | Australian Virtual Mobile Number with Voice, TXT and MMS

BenkoPhone is the only virtual mobile number app in Australia which supports voice, txt and picture messages that you can use and share from any device, anywhere in the world| Australian Virtual Mobile Number with Voice, TXT and MMS

Why bother with argv[0]?

The first argument of a program’s command line, typically reflecting the program’s name/path and often referred to as argv[0], can in most cases be set to an arbitrary value without affecting the process’ flow. Making the case against argv[0], this post demonstrates how it can be used to deceive security analysts, bypass detections and break defensive software, across all main operating systems.| www.wietzebeukema.nl

伊萍 | 从法治的中英文名称谈法治与德治及民主的关系 - 议报

内容摘要:阐述了西方人为什么要将法治区分为rule of law和rule by law的原因,提出了该如何中译这两种不同法治之道的一个新建议,同时探讨了西方现代法治的主要特点、法治与德治之间的关系、实现rule of law的条件、rule of law所应遵从的法律原则和标准、法治与民主政治有什么相关性、以及法治的发展是否有可能超前于民主的发展等话题。yibaochina.com 对法治的误解yibaochina.com ...| 议报

Your Book Review: The History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe

Finalist #11 in the Book Review Contest| www.astralcodexten.com

Korean identity: a story of genetic continuity 1,400 years in the making

One enduring nation out of many| www.razibkhan.com

The Golden Rule is Bullsh*t, The Silver Rule is Better — LessWrong

I was taught in primary school The Golden Rule—treat others how you would like to be treated.[1] Back then I remember thinking, “I don’t want a bigge…| www.lesswrong.com


疫情之后第一次回国,短短两周走了四个城市,见到了很多亲朋好友,吃到了许多人间美味,观赏了不少各色美景和演出。这里不是为了向别人装逼的朋友圈,也不是为了对自己留纪念的日记本,就写一些抽象一点的碎碎念吧。| 一言堂

许小年 | 我担心民众正在丧失认知能力 - 议报

来源:微信号 第一哲学家 2024年08月20日 中欧国际工商学院终身荣誉教授许小年在中欧“合世界·共阅读”世界读书日主题直播活动中指出以下几个核心观点: (1)我们无法从刷屏文章中获取知识; (2)网络不能成为我们认知的主要来源; (3)读书就要读经典; (4)泛读与精读结合阅读的同时保持思辨。 01  “刷屏文章”无法获取知识 身处信息爆炸的时代,我们能够从...| 议报

Where at least I know I'm free

I used to find the American self-image of being this uniquely freedom-loving, freedom-having people delusional. Sure, I'd think, you're not North Korea or Venezuela, but is that really a standard worth celebration? Shouldn't America compare itself to higher alternatives, like Europe or even the rest of the Anglosphere? Turns out I just...| world.hey.com