Nobody Cares
A rant about caring|
The Typical Man Disgusts the Typical Woman
How accepting this ugly truth can make us feel better about each other|
dealing with rage bait in the indie web | ava's blog
i think dealing with rage bait in the indie web needs its own strategy.| ava's blog
It's time to abandon the cargo cult metaphor
The cargo cult metaphor is commonly used by programmers. This metaphor was popularized by Richard Feynman's "cargo cult science" talk with a...|
Jobs: In my life, I’ve witnessed three elite salespeople at work. You won’t like their secret.
My wayward months as the best telemarketer in America.| Slate Magazine
Be aware of the Makefile effect
How Hitler Dismantled a Democracy in 53 Days - The Atlantic
He used the constitution to shatter the constitution.| The Atlantic
I am rich and have no idea what to do with my life
I am rich and have no idea what to do with my life|
Atheism Without Reason - Sarah Haider
This past week, a drama has been unfolding at the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).|
总有一种力量让我们泪流满面 | 南方周末
对比建洲与妮妮的学习 – Yanwei's Blogs
我还思考了另一个有趣的问题,我家老大和建洲,谁更厉害?仅指在高中阶段。 背景:建洲是我的高中同学,在我心里那是…| Yanwei's Blogs
A common thread among billionaires
Angela Collier points out a bizarre thing these billionaires do: these people — Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk — are all college dropouts who couldn’t even finish a…| Pharyngula
The imagery that should scare the wealthy
I’m noticing a troubling but interesting phenomenon: the sanctification of Saint Luigi. I don’t care for this at all — it’s more than just my anti-religious attitude, but th…| Pharyngula
How the 1980s Engineered the Collapse of the Working Class | The Walrus
Forty years later, policies to prop up the super rich are still going strong| The Walrus
期待已久的里斯本之旅,比赛前几个小时才买到的球票,欧冠联赛,本菲卡主场对博洛尼亚。双方球员加起来我只认识两个,其中主队十一号是迪马利亚 (Ángel Di María)。球迷一般把他叫天使,这不仅是他名字的意思,还是因为他常常能如天使一般降临,以一己之力拯救比赛。| 一言堂